Be sure to check out the car culture page to augment these images.
How has transportation changed over time? Images from
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
- Ambulance Wagons on the Bull Run Battlefield, 1861 (Image)
- Logs Being Hauled on a Sleigh by a Team of Horses, between 1900 and 1930 (Image)
- Horse-Drawn Wagons Removing Snow in New York City, January 1908 (Image)
- Children in an Automobile, between 1912 and 1930 (Image)
- Crowd and Trolley Cars in Washington, D.C., between 1913 and 1917 (Image)
- Parked School Buses Near Wells, Texas, April 1939 (Image)
- Workers Boarding a Trackless Trolley in Baltimore, Maryland, April 1943 (Image)