The institutions in this guide are created for governmental Agencies. They include collections donated to them as well as records created by those within the Agency. Take some time to explore - then send your students out to see what gems they can find.
TIPS for exploring in National Museums and Archives:
Remember: materials are usually organized by collections - often titled with the name of the person who donated it; sometimes by event or format. Within those collections, materials can be organized further into folders, and
then by date
** Use their 'finding aid' - a list of what is held within those collections to help you see how things are organized, what might be there etc. .
** Use the site's map (usually located at the very bottom of the page) to see what smaller institutions might affiliate with that parent Agency.
>>> let serendipity help you!
** be sure to use the links titled: "Kids" or "Teachers". or "Lessons"
** Definitely check out the exhibits, 'images of the day' or other changing features.
Here's a chart to help figure out which Institution might be your first step.
**Take a moment to ask: "which agency might collect something like the information I want?" determine who/which agency created the kind
from: Understanding Government Information: a Teaching Strategy Toolkit for Grades 7-12.