The AVALON PROJECT includes incredible lists of documents relating to law, history and diplomacy.
Documents from ancient times to modern covering the world. For those teaching World History - check out the Medieval period wouldn't want to be a sailor with Richard Lionhart heading to the crusades... ack! The rules!
Laws of Richard I (Coeur de Lion) Concerning Crusaders Who Were to Go by Sea. 1189 A.D.
Then check out the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles; head over to the 1500's to see Sir Walter Raleigh's Charter, given to him by Elizabeth I.
...jumping to 1860 - find the platform of the Democratic Party.
This is a group of online sources for European History
Not many images, here but there are some very interesting document translations that could be used in class (with teacher help). There's a great assortment of countries represented and using them, you can get a perspective from each; e.g. pick a time period and check out what documents are represented, and identify what was important to that area at that time. True historical perspective!
World News in Indian Newspapers (1782-1908)
Prosecuting the Holocaust
International Relationships between the U.S. and Britain
Colonial Law in Africa (1946-1966)
Check this site for the the British perpspective.
This site offers a way to dig deeper into analyzing cultures in a way that we might not do with our own. Lesson plans are included on analyzing 'object materials and image culture. Using the Hagia Sophia as an example, move through the steps to dig into the meaning of architecture, geography, art and design within a culture and time period.
They offer lists of resources by topics such as "children and youth in history"; "women in history"; "The French Revolution"' the year 1989 across the world.
Start your lessons with these materials - they make excellent background reference; are perfect as a Q-focus for any number of activities, and the site itself can be used as a way for students to auger through historical documents, images, and video towards a wider understanding of many topics. They don't just cover Ancient, Medieval, and Modern World History. Take a look at these topics:
The following consist of thematically based subsets of texts, with some additional documents and links, of the three main Source-books listed above.
The following consist of thematically based subsets of texts entirely taken from the three main Sourcebooks listed above, along with documents from the subsidiary source-books
BUT WAIT!...There's more!
Head on over to the Internet History Sourcebook to dig through this gold mine of information and resources.